Monday, September 22, 2008

Blendshapes.. for different expressions..

Probably should have done all the blendshapes straight away after modelling.. Painfully select and move vertices to create different facial expressions. Should have kept the history for the mesh smooth node. would hv avoided the hassle of having to select and move vertices from the higher res version.

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More work on lighting and texturing..

Did some posing with the characters..

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Background Props & Environment Textured

Background props and environment has been textured. Some basic light setup done up.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Environment modelling & uv wrapping..

Putting characters into an environment.. currently building up the environment.. which is a box theatre.

Just for a lil' fun..

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Textured Bandido

Did the texturing for my second character Bandido who is playing the role of a villain in a puppet show. Chose a darkish purple tone for his jacket as I felt it fits the bill for a villain color. Initially I had tried out a greenish tone but wasn't really satisfied with it. Pants color was darken further to accentuate his pale skin tone. Chose a pasty white skin color for him to give him a cold evil feel.

Some old stills of the development process:

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Honradez Texturing..

Minor Details subjected to change but this is the general textured model of Honradez.. Constructive comments are welcome.

*tweaked the eye brows to be less boldish..
old brows:

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